• 87 years of loyal customer support for our solutions meeting wire rod and steel material needs...
  • leading to many more years in the future protecting the environment of the next generation by providing Suzushin products.
  • Our corporate ambition is to continue delivering products of value to our customers.

Our Products

Steel Products

Our Yashio warehouse also offers small lot cutting services for galvanized iron twisted wire, steel twisted wire, stainless twisted wire, etc. Additionally, we are active as an agent for top domestic manufacturers.

Industrial-Use Materials

Our diverse products include environmentally-friendly Ace Nets for wind breaking and sand prevention, as well as a wealth of materials for use in power cables. Additionally, we handle a wide range of products from top domestic manufacturers to overseas items.

Industrial-Use Gauges and Control Devices

Our lineup includes industrial-use gauges of the highest standards. Striving for ever higher safety and efficiency with pneumatic and voltage devices.